Wedding Website
My wife, Sarah, and I got married June 15, 2019. to prepare for the occasion, I created a website to provide our guests with info about us and about the ceremony. To start, I forked wedding-website on github, then added some new content and features to make the site unique to us.
On the site, our guests were able to learn about how Sarah and I met, get to know the people in our wedding party, get directions or order an uber to the venue, find links to our gift registries, or get answers to common questions about the ceremony.
The coolest thing about the site, however, was that our guests could RSVP without filling out those so-easy-to-lose RSVP cards. The backend setup for the RSVP feature was super simple. The web app made requests directly to Google Sheets, so our guest list was automatically updated and easy to sort and search. Not only that, but Google Sheets allowed us to register event handlers to send our guests confirmation emails as well as notify Sarah and me that we’d gotten a new hit.
The wedding is already over, but you can still RSVP at the link below! (use code 0615)