Auto Guest Login

This is a Home Assistant Add-On that allows guests in your home to get logged into a guest account by visiting a url (maybe by simply scanning a QR code).

I originally created this project as a stand-alone node server that could be run on a Raspberry Pi in your house, then shared the idea as a blog post: The Completely Frictionless Way to Let Guests Use Home Assistant Don’t make guests download the home assistant app and use log in with guest credentials. Let this Add-On do all the hard work and just share a QR code. . But as the guest-login server started getting picked up by other Home Assistant users, I turned it into an Add-On that can be added to your Home Assistant host machine with just a couple button clicks.

Now it’s just as easy for those running a Home Assistant instance to get up and running as it is for their guests. Actually, if you use Home Assistant, you can get started by just clicking this button:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.